Saturday, April 20, 2013

The cat's meow!

I asked Paul to marry our new maid Cam so we can take her back to LA with us when we go home.  She is the best thing since sliced bread.  Because I'm working a bilzillion hours and Paul is working crazy hours along with his Vietnamese classes, we don't have much time to cook and clean.  Also, we both decided to go on a 12 week challenge.  We are basically working out 4 times a week and not eating any carbs except on Sundays.  We figured, in Vietnam we have the time and money to eat well and be healthy.  You'd be surprised at how cheap protein, vegetables, fruit and raw nuts are here.  The only problem is the lack in variety.  Anyhow, we're hungry all the time since we don't eat bread, rice or noodles.

So we both agreed that a cook/maid would help out tremendously   I sort of refrained from getting one at first because I'm not use to the idea of having a stranger in your house, learning about your private drawers and what not.... but holy cow it's easy getting use to it...although I spend time cleaning before she comes over so she doesn't think we're complete slobs. Then I'll go upstairs and rearrange the cupboards and organize the dirty dishes so she doesn't think we're lazy bums.  I find myself doing almost as much work as before except for the cooking part.  I bought a cook book and went through it telling her what we like and how we like it.  She is actually a wonderful cook even though she is forbidden to use MSG because I'm strongly against it.  She always says, but the food won't taste good.  She adds a lot of salt and sugar to compensate, but I'm slowly easing her off the ridiculous amount and I introduced her to chicken broth.

She's wonderful and it has made me enjoy Vietnam so much more.  I don't know what we'll do without a maid in the US.

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